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  • 您的位置: 網站首頁 >> 產品中心 >> 濾光片 >> Andover濾光片 > 短波通濾光片Andover


    發布日期: 2024-04-22
    訪問量: 1036
    • 詳細內容

    這些尖銳邊緣濾光片通常被稱為長波通(LWP)和短波通(SWP)濾光片,其特征在于它們在反射和透射區域之間的高轉換率。如此高的轉換率使其成為熒光應用中的發射濾光片以及光度法中的排序濾光片的xxx選擇。它們還可以用作雜散光或微調濾光片,以消除任何不需要的近帶輻射。所有Andover LWP / SWP濾光片均由堅硬,耐用的D一表面介電涂層構成,可承受與任何高質量光學組件相關的常規清潔和處理。它們的膜結構本質上是經過修改的四分之一波長疊堆,利用干涉效應而不是吸收來隔離其光譜帶。與濾鏡不同 由于對波長隨角度的變化不敏感,這些濾光器的波長隨入射角的增加而變短。此功能在可能需要微調50%截止波長或截止波長的應用中很有用。所有標準邊緣濾光片都可以從400nm到1000nm以50nm的增量遞增。

    General Specifications

    Thickness:4.0mm maximum
    Size Tolerance:+0.0mm/-0.5mm
    Min. Clear Aperture:85% of outside dimension
    Substrate Material:Glass (Note: BK-7 or Borofloat available as an option for higher Tx.)
    Flatness:3-5 waves per 25 TWF
    Surface Quality:80-50 per MIL-C-48497A
    Humidity and Abrasion:Per MIL-C-675A
    Operating Temperature:-50°C to +200°C
    Cut-on Slope:6% maximum (11% for 300nm filter)
    Cut-on Tolerance:±10nm from 400nm-1100nm
    ±5nm from 300nm - 375nm


    Long Wave Pass:85% average from the 50% cut-on point to 2000nm
    Short Wave Pass:400-450nm: 85% avererage from the 50% cut-on point to 0.75 x the 50% cut-off point
    500-1000nm: 85% avererage from the 50% cut-on point to 0.75 x the 50% cut-off pointNote: with the exception of the 400nm filter, all SWP filters will drop off in transmission at wavelengths under 400nm.)


    Long Wave Pass:99% or greater from 0.9 x the 50% point to the UV
    Short Wave Pass:99% or greater from 1.07 x the 50% point to 1.25 x the 50% point
    Effective index of refraction (n*)1.7 (approximately)

    100.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter100FL07-12.5
    400.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter400FL07-12.5
    400.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter400FL07-25
    400.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter400FL07-50
    400.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter400FL07-50S
    450.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter450FL07-12.5
    450.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter450FL07-25
    450.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter450FL07-50
    450.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter450FL07-50S
    500.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter500FL07-12.5
    500.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter500FL07-25
    500.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter500FL07-50
    500.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter500FL07-50S
    550.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter550FL07-12.5
    550nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter550FL07-25
    550.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter550FL07-50
    550.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter550FL07-50S
    600.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter600FL07-12.5
    600.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter600FL07-25
    600.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter600FL07-50
    600.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter600FL07-50S
    650.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter650FL07-12.5
    650.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter650FL07-25
    650.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter650FL07-50
    650.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter650FL07-50S
    700.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter700FL07-12.5
    700.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter700FL07-25
    700.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter700FL07-50
    700.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter700FL07-50S
    750.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter750FL07-12.5
    750.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter750FL07-25
    750.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter750FL07-50
    750.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter750FL07-50S
    800.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter800FL07-12.5
    800.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter800FL07-25
    800.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter800FL07-50
    800.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter800FL07-50S
    850.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter850FL07-12.5
    850.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter850FL07-25
    850.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter850FL07-50
    850.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter850FL07-50S
    900.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter900FL07-12.5
    900.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter900FL07-25
    900.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter900FL07-50
    900.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter900FL07-50S
    950.0nm Cut-off, 12.5 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter950FL07-12.5
    950.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter950FL07-25
    950.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter950FL07-50
    950.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter950FL07-50S
    1000.0nm Cut-off, 25.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter100FL07-25
    1000.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 mm dia., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter100FL07-50
    1000.0nm Cut-off, 50.0 x 50.0 mm sq., unmounted, Short Wave Pass Edge Filter100FL07-50S


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